Death Racers (2008 Video)
Really Bad
24 May 2012
Death Racers (2008)

* (out of 4)

Asylum's "mockbuster" of Jason Statham's DEATH RACE (a remake of DEATH RACE 2000) features the Insane Clown Posse so watch at your own risk. The "story" is set in the future as four groups enter a death race where they get points by the amount of people they kill. Our heroes, played by ICP, are trying to win their freedom but this only happens if they win the race. I listened to ICP when I was around sixteen but this little stretch in my life probably didn't last over a year or so. Watching DEATH RACERS all these years later was the first time since that I've heard anything from the group so I must admit that I was mildly interesting but the end result is just one complete mess. Even for a picture from The Asylum this thing here is pretty bad but at the same time I'll at least give it credit for attempting to be low-rent trash like the original movie and that's something that the remake tried to avoid. With that said, once again we're treated to a movie that has no original story to be found and sadly the filmmakers just kept it going and going and going. At over 90-minutes the story is so weak that it couldn't even support a 30-minute movie let along something three times longer than that. I'm really not sure why so many "C" movies of today have to run at these extended running times. The 50s and 70s were full of bad movies but at least they knew not to drag on for too long. The problem here is that we're given a mumbo jumbo backstory dealing with humans being held down but it's just boring. Even the four groups of characters are rather boring in their own right, although I'll give the screenwriter credit for the Vaginamyte name. Those wanting violence and gore will find that here as we're given quite a bit of CGI scenes that of course look bad but bad gore is better than none. Performances are what you'd expect from a film like this and fans of ICP will probably enjoy seeing them act out their characters. With that said, their songs being repeated over and over again gets very annoying very quickly. In the end, DEATH RACERS is ultra stupid and sadly there's just not enough going on to make it entertaining even in a "so bad it's good" way.
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