Silk Degrees (1994)
Good for lazy afternoons or late night watching
12 June 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Overall, the acting and directing is not top notch, but is that really what you are expecting here?

SPOILER ALERT: The villain is not scary and seems to have the calmest sense of rage I have ever seen. And what was the point in having him using an asthma inhaler? Mark Singer is mostly terrible as he delivers lines in an amateur fashion. Hard to believe he gets the girl while showing her how incompetent he is. Mark Hamill is not believable as a FBI agent. Not only does he appear to have the physique of a bowling alley attendant, he dresses as one as well. How are we supposed to believe this guy picks up the smokin' hot blonde? Some of the action is not very realistic and a few things just don't make sense. But the storyline is OK, it moves along at a decent pace, and there are beautiful girls to look at!
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