Waste of Time
20 June 2012
Warning: Spoilers
There are so many problems with this movie that I cannot even begin to count them. The most glaring error is that the title is Allen Quatermain and the Temple of the Skulls, yet there is no temple and there was only one skull in the entire film. A strange staff that the chief holds out to a young boy for breaking a rule and leading outsiders to their camp is beheaded by the staff when it transforms into a claw, rips his head off, and magically all of the tissue vanishes to leave a crusted, reddish skull.

No reference to, explanation of, or attempt to find the temple is ever made. The title has absolutely nothing to do with the (lack of) plot. Secondly, it is unclear when the movie is supposedly set as a motion detector is clearly visible in a hallway, the scarf/bandanna Lady Anna wears around her head to conceal her crown is leopard print, and women in the 19th century did not wear heavy makeup or trousers! "Lady" Anna is no lady. She dared to wear a knee-length white dress without a bustle or corset, fell down exposing her stockings, and does not conduct herself like a lady of refinement at all.

The love/attraction between Allen Quatermain and Lady Anna is contrived and forced at best. They have no chemistry and their love at the end of the film makes no sense and does not follow logically from their treatment of and reaction to each other throughout the film. Also, Lady Anna's character wears thick, caked-on makeup which was not the fashion in the 19th century. Also, she nor the other characters ever sweat, have pit stains from the scorching hot African sun, and never get sunburned. White people being baked by the sun for hours have a tendency to burn.

Lastly, instead of looking for the Temple of the Skulls, the real plot of the movie seems to be accidentally finding an African tribal queen who is in hiding or exiled or something (I don't think we ever really found out the story there) and restoring her to her reign. So, why not call the movie Allen Quatermain and the Lost Queen or something like that? The plot is non-existent and nonsensical. The writing is so bad, it makes me want to scream, pull my hair out, and cry. My inner English major is yelling at the writer (who also directed this pile of garbage).

This horrible film is so horrible that a new term needs to be created to properly describe the atrocity this mess really is.

Do not waste your time. What has been seen cannot be unseen.
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