Helldriver (2010)
I awesomely ridiculous movie that I enjoyed greatly!
12 July 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Maybe it's just me and my odd liking of corny horror movies but I liked HellDriver a lot. I haven't really seen any other films by Yoshihiro Nishimura so I didn't really have a bias on this film compared to the others. To me, this movie was just a lot of crazy, bloody fun with random chainsaws and exploding heads.

I found the designs for everything were fantastic, from Chainsaw Katana to the car made out of mutilated body parts. I liked how the zombies were different than the usual moaning, shuffling, beasts and actually had some character to them. The characters were also very well made in my opinion, and their attire and weaponry even more so.

The only thing I did not like about HellDriver were the small parts that took place in the "Zombie Bar" scenes. The blood spewing nipples and the random zombie with multiple penises were a bit much, and I really don't see why those things were necessary. I did like the other "boss" zombies that appeared in those scenes though: the battles with Katana-filled zombie, the baby lasso zombie, and the zombie made from multiple arms were so corny that they were awesome.

If you're not the fan of hack-and-slash, than this isn't a movie for you and if you don't have an odd sense of humor, than it isn't for you either. The point of the movie was just to be ridiculous and silly, so why look at it any other way than that. Overall, HellDriver was a ridiculous over-the-top horror comedy that I guess you have to have certain tastes to enjoy.
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