Anger Management (2012–2014)
Bland Management
14 July 2012
After the 10 or so reviews from F/X it might be time to get real.

The review cannot ignore Charlie Sheen, his past and his past roles. If you had any expectations prior to the show they will be greatly dismissed. Interesting enough the show is a typical sitcom with a very average cast and extremely average writing. To my astonishment the show could run on any major network, not inappropriate words, no inappropriate behavior. That can be good or bad, make up your own mind about that.

The show is explained in one sentence, Charlie is a therapist and is trying to help a group of people to get over their anger issues. While this could be hilarious but it is not.

They have caught themselves in a net of professional terms that nobody can follow and Charlie Sheen is now the one people react to, he used to be the one who reacts in short sentences towards others. He talks too fast his voice is too dark and the laugh track in the background is making no sense.

I give this 5 Stars for the many funny hours i had watching Charlie Sheen, this show is a complete failure in writing and casting. Sorry Mr Sheen, you had the lead in a show that was manufactured around you, you screwed it up, now you are stuck with this mediocre show.
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