Messy and lacking in focus
16 July 2012
I'd like to make it clear that although I didn't think much of this movie, this review isn't going give it a major kicking just for the sake of it as there was undoubtedly some promise shown by director Mel House.

However, Mel House is also credited as Producer, Writer and Editor and I find that problematic.

There are one or two standout scenes in the movie, both of which feature Reggie Bannister. One particular scene, in a supermarket is genuinely creepy and amusing at the same time. This scene alone deserves commendation.

However, the rest of the movie did seem to lack focus and there were times where scenes appeared to be overly bloated. There were other instances where any pace and urgency disappeared and this is where the case of having one guy be writer/director/producer/editor starts to look problematic.

One can blame budgetary restrictions, but the cast appeared larger than needed; there were characters who appeared to be extraneous.

In summary, there was some flair shown in a couple of set-pieces, but this movie lacked something which is essential and that is a story which grabs you and will keep you interested for 90 minutes. Without this, a movie becomes a chore, and that's what happened for me.
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