23 July 2012
In th seventies,Granier-Deferre became the "cinema De Qualité " director par excellence ;more accessible and less pretentious than Claude Sautet after "Max Et Les Ferrailleurs " ,his career really began in the early sixties with two estimable movies with Jean Gabin ("La Horse" and "Le Chat"),he continued with craftsman works such as "La Veuve Couderc" or "Le Train" ,both Georges Simenon's books transferred to the screen.

It may explain the "detective story" ending,which may seem a bit irrelevant in a realistic movie,but it is saved by the talent of the two principals,Schneider and Trintignant,injecting more emotion into the scene than you might think possible.

This is an apt title,for most of the movie takes place on a train,a train full of people running away from the German armies in 1940 (the beginning recalls René Clément's "Jeux Interdits" (1952).The screenwriters made no bones about criticizing French cowardliness and selfishness;it was before "Lacombe Lucien" to be precise ;As the character played by Maurice Biraud remarks :"we're afraid,we are fleeing,so we don't fight each other,get it?" On the train,the characters are stereotypes,particularly the hooker played by Regine ,probably inspired by Maupassant's "Boule De Suif",the unwed mother (oddly portrayed by cerebral (who said tedious?) Anne Wiazemsky,two sex maniacs ("when I look at you (the whore),I look like a beast !- even when you don't!);the Jewish German (Schneider),the average man (Trintignant).

An user complained that this man in the street should leave his pregnant wife and his little girl for a while and sleep with the German woman:in a world gone mad,anything can happen ,it would never have happened,had this electrician continued his routine life .

Following René Clément's steps in "Jeux Interdits" ,GD smartly integrates black and white archives films which ,with a careful editing ,turn color when the director returns to his fiction.Which his predecessor was not able to do.
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