Review of Textuality

Textuality (2011)
Worst Movie I Have Ever Seen. Last Time My Review Was Deleted.
26 July 2012
Warning: Spoilers
My last review was deleted - because another user reported it as abuse. Really?! A negative review is abuse? Please don't try to sensor the negative comments about the movie. I'm entitled to my opinion. Just as the people who decided this movie was worth making are entitled to make it. I'm resubmitting some of my review. (I've left out some parts that were negative about the writer - he wrote me a personal email about my review.) I can only assume my comments hurt someone's feelings and so they had my review deleted. Let's hope I'm allowed to keep it here. What kind of website is this if I can't write a negative review without someone having it removed from the site? Be authentic. It is what it is and I have every right to hate this film. Someone made this film, I made the mistake of watching it and so have have ever right to review it and speak my opinion. Here goes:

I'm a positive person who believes that if you can't say anything nice don't say anything at all but this movie was so horrible that I had to express it to let these feelings leave my being. I registered for this site just to leave this review. On top of trying to save you from throwing away an hour and a half of your life, I frankly want to vent that such a poorly written movie was even produced. I am not a writer so I don't even have the words or skills to convey just how awful the script was. But I'm going to try! The story is immature and uninteresting. I kept thinking to myself it is as if this was written by a 12 year old boy! It was cheesy and lacking in knowledge of people, relationships and life. It had no depth, humour, compassion, heart or soul. The writing was beyond terrible. It was as if you were watching a spoof of a bad movie. The character of best friend of the lead in the film was so immature and annoying to watch that I had a hard time believing that anyone would write this character in a movie. I thought, it's as if this annoying, immature and unintelligent character wrote this movie! Then when I see this site I notice that the actor playing that character did write the movie! I'm beyond words.

There are meaningful and excellent stories to be told but this is not one of them. Oh, and if you are reading this thinking now you really have to see it to see how bad it is - no you don't! Please. It's painful. Spare yourself. Oh gosh, how was that for judgement. Oh well! That's my review.
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