Review of Thor

Thor (2011)
Solid comic book movie
30 July 2012
I suppose any review of *Thor* ought to begin with the reviewer's expectations—if you're expecting a solid comic book/mythology movie with a strong sense of the comics ethos, a solid leading man who thoroughly inhabits all aspects of his character (from bathos to boorishness), a rather one-dimensional villain, and lots of rock 'em-sock 'em action encased in a simple, mediocre plot—then you will probably be satisfied with *Thor.* If you're expecting anything else, you can pass on this one. The best parts of the movie are Chris Hemsworth as Thor and Tom Hiddleston as Loki, Thor's adopted brother and the villain of this film (he's also the villain in *The Avengers,* a film that displays Hiddleston's acting talents to much greater effect). Ironically, the worst parts of the film are the two Oscar winners who inexplicably find themselves in a comic book movie trying to ACT all over the place. I'm talking about Anthony Hopkins as Odin, Thor's father and the chief god, and Natalie Portman, who is allegedly a scientist/researcher but who turns into a mushy, goofy middle school girl whenever Thor flashes her a smile. Despite these two casting mistakes, the film is an enjoyable diversion, and it works well—as long as you're not expecting it to be something other than what it claims to be.
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