Susan and God (1940)
Not a bad film at all...don't go by the rating in here
30 July 2012
Warning: Spoilers
This is obviously not one of Joan Crawford's high points in her career but it no slouch of a film. It really does have some good points.

This is one of those films I sat on for a long time. It just didn't seem like "A Woman's Face" type of film. I decided to give it a go and what a nice little surprise. Joan Crawford plays the over the top part of a married lady returning from a trip abroad. During this trip she finds new religion and decides she wants to spread her new found wisdom on her friends and family at home.

Most of the way through the film she is over the top in the spreading of her new found religion. She never stops telling her friends what she thinks they need to do to improve their lives. She thinks that if they all just come to the point....tell the truth...everything will be all right. Turns out though, she only sees others lives with problems. She can't...or as we see until the end....see her own marital issues. She conveniently leaves those out. It's pretty easy to see she finds this religion as a substitute for dealing with her personal problems at home.

Joan Crawford does a pretty good job with this one. I really don't like films with preachy type of content but with this film it's just the backdrop. You would think with a title like "Susan and God" your in for a church type of film but it's really just a title. Frederic March plays a husband who finally gets tired of his wife's ways and decides to put his foot down in the end. With this we find out what their marriage can handle.

This one is a really fun and interesting watch. I didn't expect much going into it but came out with a nice treat. I enjoyed this one thoroughly. Try this one and see what I saw...a film worth a look.
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