One of the Best Found footage Movies since Grave Encounters
9 August 2012
I had almost zero expectations from this Movie But it turned out to be one of the best found footage Movies I have ever seen.Now I am confused between this and Grave Encounters that which one is better than the Other.Story is similar to Grave encounters but it is more engaging and not boring.It is scary as hell.Climax is also better than Grave Encounters.My only complaint is that I was expecting the spirit to be Visible at least once throughout the Movie which didn't happen still I am not disappointed In fact I am in love with this Movie as it succeeds to create an eerie atmosphere.People those who have rated it Low they must be drunken Losers.Go Get a Life.100 Ghost Street is a Must watch for all Horror movie Lovers.Movie Like this comes once in a lifetime and should be made every Month.Keep them coming.Strongly Recommended.
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