The Zombie Chronicles (2001 Video)
Not worth the DVD it's Printed on.
15 August 2012
This is Brad Sykes second film using the the then only affordable 3D camera lens for the home market. It was intended for use with a now outdated system that worked only on tube sets and were marketed at video stores with the movies for a ridiculous price. Now you can get all of the movies that the company put out as double features on Bluray 3D for less than ten dollars and they aren't even worth that. I'm pretty positive that any one reading this that can read and comprehend Film Making For Dummies can raise up 50 bucks(More if you give the actors lunch)and make a much better film that this. Hell, if you made a 60 minute film of fat hairy guys puking up fake vomit you would have a better film than this. So go get a 3D camera and make something better than this.
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