Early 50s movie serial for preteen boys
17 August 2012
The movie theater serial "Radar Men from the Moon" is a 12 episode action series, each episode of which lasts about 10 minutes I think. The basic plot is that a dying civilization on the moon wishes to take over the Earth, so they begin their preparations by sending a small advance guard to cause mayhem on our planet before the full-scale invasion. The US government assigns Captain Cody and his rocket pack to stop the evil henchmen before they can proceed further.

The dialog is kept to a minimum since this is an action series intended for the 7 to 13 year old crowd (those children are in their late 60s to early 70s now - scary thought) and it is pretty much one action scene after another. The cliffhangers at the end of each episode are miraculously resolved at the beginning of the next episode as the hero Commander Cody works a plan to outwit the moonmen and their evil earthling co-conspirators. Overall not a bad adventure series actually in my opinion, considering the limited budget and the limits on special effects at the time... they certainly didn't have computer graphics to insert back then.

But why "Radarmen" in the title? I don't remember seeing any radars. There are some ray guns and moonmen and spaceships and rocketpacks, but no radars. Hmmm... go figure.
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