The Fear: Halloween Night
26 August 2012
The film begins with our main character Michael at five years old witnessing his father killing his mother on Halloween and then committing suicide. Flash forward to present day (1999), and we see Michael and a group of his friends heading out a spooky house his grandmother owns to celebrate the holiday. Now if you've seen the original film "The Fear", you'd remember that the wooden life-sized dummy Morty used people's fears against them to kill. Well Morty is back and up to his old tricks. He takes the fears of the group and uses those fears to kill them off in "creative" ways.

I like this sequel much more than the original because it isn't as dark and depressing and we actually see more of Morty stalking the group. I like the plot line of Michael's father being inside of the Morty dummy as well. And this movie takes the Halloween tagline and milks it for all it's worth. For example, the group decides to dress up in costumes that represent their fears. One of them is afraid of sharks, so he dresses up as a shark. Another is scared of blood, so she dresses in all red. Oh and Morty looks way creepier in this film then the first one. And he can talk!

Overall, The Fear: Halloween Night is not a masterpiece but it is a better watch then the first film. It definitely has its slow parts through the fast half, but I like the Halloween theme to it and it is creative at times with regards to the character's deaths.

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