Uneventful - why did they bother?
31 August 2012
This is probably the least interesting of the Merchant Ivory movies. It's not based on a great novel just an average one. The strong point is Paul Newman and Joanne Woodward acting well. There are some insights into changing values and attitudes of the time but it's just not that interesting.

Nothing very eventful or dramatic happens. It's just a meandering story about a family in the 30s with the main character being the mother. She has a emotionally distant husband who loves her in his own way. She is unappreciated by both him and her children who have their own struggles. She has a friend played by Blythe Danner going through some sort of breakdown. They have a little trip to Europe.

In the end if feels more of a waste of time. While Merchant Ivory usually selects interesting novels or subjects to adapt I don't know why they decided on this rather boring story.

It's far from a must watch.
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