A beautifully filmed and acted movie of redemption
14 September 2012
I am an English speaker and I saw this movie in Spanish with English subtitles, and after viewing it I think, for me, that was the way it should be viewed.

At the outset we are told all life will be exterminated by a large meteor/asteroid hitting Earth, so we know what the bottom line is.

The story line follows a man who has to fight his own, personal demons before he is a whole person. The question is, 'will he make it before the planet is destroyed?'.

The filming is not graphic like most modern movies, there is very-very little blood-shed and what there is is on-screen for a fraction of a second. The violence is implied more than anything else, up until the finale that is. The viewer has to be an active participant or they are not going to like/understand/get what is going on.

The directing and acting is excellent, characters are totally believable, The filming is all 'warm' with a slight yellowish cast to convey the heat and dryness. It is a very effective movie.

I would highly recommend this movie to anyone.
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