Epic fail defined
27 September 2012
I have heard the term "epic fail", which may die out quickly, so people in 2020 won't know what it means. I wouldn't know what the term means if I didn't see this movie.

"Epic fail".

It's another of the modern day invincible monster movies. A monster, that for some reason mutilates everyone except the only two people that would make sense to mutilate.

The worst part of the movie is the leading man. We know as soon as we see the "talk show" that he will be the leading man. It isn't disguised. He is a Howard Stern rip off. Howard Stern, for those of you who will read this in 2020 and not know who he is, was the dullest talk show host ever. He paraded half naked voluptuous women, talked about sex, and still managed to be horribly boring. If there was a prize for "Negative Talent" or "Zero Talent", he would win it.

Same for this leading man. He comes up with the ideas that any normal guy would, but we never buy that he has that creativity.

Which all goes into the "epic fail" of the movie.

We expect clichés. This movie uses all of the wrong clichés. The dull ones. The ones that alienate guys. The ones that take all the fun out of movies. All of them.

The writers try too hard to write what they think will be "funny" or "memorable" lines, but they are just flat. It doesn't work.

"Epic Fail".
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