High Risk (1995)
Now this is what an action movie should be.
28 September 2012
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is not a blockbuster Hollywood movie, but it makes much of the action flicks that come out of the United States seem nothing more and a boring romance in which nothing happens. High Risk is Die Hard with more guts than anybody in Hollywood could even consider. This movie looks like a typical block buster action movie but plays out much better.

The plot is simple and themes are really non-existent. In a lot of cases, themes, and even plots, are something that don't play out in Hong Kong Movies (as this is what this movie is). I am not saying that Hong Kong movies are full of pointless violence; by no means, it is just some movies concentrate more on the action than on anything else. As Des Mangan said once, "why let the plot get in the way of a good stunt" or even "why let the plot get in the way of a good sequel." High Risk does have a plot though and does play out quite well.

A bunch of thieves armed with some incredibly powerful weapons, storm a hotel in which a collection of priceless jewels are on display. The movie plays out for a while before the thieves take the hotel, but once they do, the action is almost non-stop. In this hotel is an actor named Frankie and his bodyguard named Bold (I think). Bold watched his wife and daughter die when a criminal named the Doctor put a bomb on it and he failed to defuse it. This memory has haunted him his entire life, so when the Doctor is found to be behind this robbery, Bold sees it as a chance to redeem himself. Frankie is brilliant. He is supposed to be an action hero, and is referred to throughout the movie as a superhero, but when it comes down to it, he is nothing more than a coward. Frankie spends most of the movie running away from the bad guys and when he goes to confront them, he constantly bumbles. Though Frankie loves his father, and if anybody even considers beating him up then Frankie really gets mad. Oh, and he spends half the movie running around without any pants on. Don't ask me why.

Another great character is a female terrorist. This woman is a bitch, yet acts so innocent, everybody is willing to trust her with their lives. The heroes try to rescue her, kiss her, and generally attempt to sweep her off her feet like a typical heroine. All the while she is working with the terrorists and plotting the heroes' downfall.

The action is just awesome. Hollywood would simply drive a car through a window and have the hero jump out and gun down all the bad guys inside. Not so in High Risk. The hero drives the car into the foyer, runs over heaps of baddies, shots others with an uzi, and when the light machine gun comes out. He drives the car into the elevator and goes to the top floor, where he wrecks further havoc among the thieves up there before sending it flying out of the window. If that doesn't satisfy anybodies' taste, then there is the scene with the helicopter.

To be honest, it is impossible to describe how awesome this movie is so my best option is to suggest you go and try and find it and watch it for yourself.
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