Review of 13

13 (I) (2010)
The idea is not bad, but actors ruined it a bit...
5 October 2012 the sense that it is usually so that more famous actors spend more time on screen, i.e. it is predictable who will remain "intact" to the end. And as all the characters apart from the main one (well, but not excellently played by Sam Riley) are unvaried, it is a waste of good actors like Ray Winstone, Jason Statham or Mickey Rourke to be exploited in such a movie.

The plot is somewhat thrilling until the challenge is over, the rest is only dull prolongation where the police/criminals storyline remains open, although the total film is less than 1,5 hours. The ending is unanticipated, but if I were the director, I would have amended it towards bigger elaboration.

I have not seen the original French film, but I have read it is much better. Usually the remakes are worse, although with more known actors.
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