Room of the Scirocco sizzles.
19 October 2012
Warning: Spoilers
A romantic fable set amongst the Fascist reign on Sicily during the Second World War, were a noble house catches fire and a dead body is discovered. The authorities believe it to be the body of the Marquis of Asquafurata, but the personal Butler who survived the fire has a few surprises up his sleeve. One of them is to give the house to a local peasant couple so that the fascist can't get there hands on it. But our so-called Butler falls for the wife and into fairy floss we go. Charming tale that gets sillier towards the end but lucky it didn't go for too long, plus the performances from the vintage lead actors give it that extra special boost. Along with the exquisite music and cinematography, this is a solid camp classic melodrama that is worth a look if it ever pops up on cable TV. Lucky enough, in Australia we have WORLD MOVIES, a cable network that screens foreign movies that would never ever be seen anywhere else, even released on DVD in this country.
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