Cosmopolis (2012)
23 October 2012
Most Directors have their good films and their not-so-good films. This is worse than not-so-good.

From beginning to end you listen to benign whining and useless, boring dialogue about this poor little rich boy who befriends the most unlikely of characters in his journey across town to get a haircut. Give me a break! By the way, the haircut sucked, which I guess was another useless point, in this movie.

The acting was substantial from everyone. But why on earth would actors with actual ability appear in this farce. They wasted their time and talent on a film that is not going to make any money and nothing but criticism from the movie going public.

Cronenberg has had some great films such as Existenz, Eastern Promises and A History of Violence. Maybe Viggo Mortensen, who starred in two of those films, would have made a difference but I doubt it. A Dud is a Dud.

I will admit there is a possibility I missed the point of the movie during one of several occasions when I nodded off from pure boredom.

I give this a four (4) for the acting but it's hardly worth four (4)minutes of time much less two hours.
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