Boardwalk Empire: Sunday Best (2012)
Season 3, Episode 7
Sunday's Best is truly the best of season 3
28 October 2012
First off, I want to respond to the review from Masonic Shine. You get it 1 star out of 10, yet at the bottom of your review you gave it 3 out of 10. You are clearly trying to ruin the ratings of the show. It's getting old.

As for the show. Sunday's Best was truly the best episode of season 3. This is the type of character development that makes me appreciate this show. You don't get many shows that can do it like Boardwalk does.

Season 3 had be somewhat disappointing to some fans, but this one came back strong. This is what I think a lot of the fans of the series had been waiting for. I am very excited to see the rest of the season. This episode set it up well. Very strong performances tonight from Nucky and Margaret. Loved seeing Richard get a lot of screen time as well.

10 out of 10. Best show on TV.
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