Review of Storage 24

Storage 24 (2012)
Noisy Inept Characters,Charmless sub par SCI FI Film
4 November 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Watch "Aliens" if you want an Alien film, or "Feast"/"Slither" if you like gory mutilation monster horror.

I normally like Clarke as an actor but this was a tough film to finish. Even low budget films can be filmed to make them look like they have higher production values. These characters stand around when people die, they stand around and chat, they stand around and die. No urgency. The two males leads squabble as an ET stalks them, even some of the music has homages to James Horners Aliens score. There are also vents for the hero's to crawl through.

The alien is a guy on stilts, but most of the time the alien is in extreme close up. It has a mandible mouth like the predator. It was just bad. Even "Attack of the Block" was more enjoyable, at least that knew it was silly and played on the dark humour.

Pretty boring film, and Clarke should have known better.. Get the story right, get the characters right, add tension and horror. The ending reminded me of the Alien film "Altered", which by the way is much better.

Avoid film or catch it on the SCI-FI Channel
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