Review of DarkWolf

DarkWolf (2003 Video)
So bad it's NOT good
8 November 2012
Warning: Spoilers
OK, this movie starts off in a strip club.

On the one hand, I have some really bad experiences with movies that start off this way or include strip clubs in any major sense. On the other hand, I really like strip clubs in real life. So I'll keep watching and hope this isn't a bad omen.

Well, the preponderance of plastic boobies is a bad sign. So is the cheesy special effect thing making the guy's eyes glow red. Not by itself a bad concept but it looks like my nephew colored it with crayon. I'm starting to wonder why I torture myself like this.

Less than 10 minutes into the film, I'm realizing just how bad this movie is. The acting is melodramatic at best, the FX are laughable, the dialogue sounds completely cheesy. I'll keep watching, just in case it's bad enough to be good.

Fifteen minutes in, we're treated to some explanation about "pure-bred werewolves" and "hybrid werewolves" that started almost a millennium ago. Logic isn't particularly valued here. It is shaping up to be one of those it's-so-bad-you-have-to-watch-this movies.

Twenty minutes in, we get a speech that basically says "we're all going to die unless this one girl realizes something for herself but we can't interfere to let her know what's going on." Just under half an hour, we have bystanders picking up things at a crime scene and saying loudly, "What is this?" Then they walk off carrying it with police all around – and the antagonist, who is in the crowd, doesn't follow them.

The film doesn't really get much better from this point. It continues the trend toward absolute zero IQ rather quickly. To be honest, it's not even in the so-bad-it's-good category. It appears to be more in the so-bad-it's-unwatchable category. Pubescent boys might get a kick out of the plastic mammaries displayed on occasion, but even that is so infrequent as to not even be a selling point. That being said, I must say that the scene around fifty minutes and afterwards was somewhat interesting.

Low budget, this catastrophe doesn't even have the campiness factor to be even a little redeeming. It was probably the worst horror flick I've seen in quite some time. And that's saying a lot.

But OK, some ways it could have been made better: (1) more of an explanation (and a logical one) as to what was actually going on; (2) double the FX budget (better $200 than $100); (3) deliberately go for campiness and dark humour instead of having it be unintentional; (4) more naked chicks, less plastic tits (just because that always makes things better); (5) hire someone to write dialogue instead of letting your kid brother do it as a 7th-grade project; (5b) alternatively, hire a director who can direct something more than traffic. \ I'm sorry, was I harsh in my review? Yes. Did this movie deserve that level of harshness? No. It deserved much, much worse. I'm giving this move a 1.5 out of 10 rating. It's that high only because I've seen movies that are actually worse than this one.
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