It's good.
20 November 2012
Warning: Spoilers
**Possible spoilers for this and the eighties series** Okay, so I know I might be one of the minority here, but I do not think this version is better than the original 80's cartoon "He-Man and the Masters of the Universe." Don't get me wrong, I like this series. I own it and bought the DVDs when they first came out, but the same can be said for the original series, as well as "She-Ra" and "The New Adventures of He-Man." I'll start with the likes: I like that Adam is younger and that he looks younger. In the original, both Adam and He-Man are in their late teens, but I like Adam being a bit younger to show more of a conflict with his dual identity. Because this show has a more modern audience, we get more fighting (even though I like the original's fighting better) and conflicts.

Now, I know the next question. Why is this one not better than the original? There are a few things. First and foremost, this new series misses the camaraderie of the first series. Man-at-Arms, Orko, and Cringer/Battlecat have definitely lost their appeal. And, I know with the latter, everyone is going to think it's because he can't speak, but it's not really that, even though I do prefer him to speak. He just isn't as important as he used to be. The same can be said about all three of them, really. One of the things I loved about the first series was the banter between Adam and Cringer about changing into their alter egos. Not to mention, they have real charisma as best friends who can discuss their transformations and lives. Adam doesn't really have any one who will 100% understand what he goes through since Cringer can't speak with him on the subject! Man-at-Arms doesn't seem to be as caring as the original. And, as for Orko, well, this one is just annoys me at times. But again, that's not to say this series is bad. I do like it, and I do enjoy it.

As for He-Man himself, I don't like how he's drawn. He's TOO big. If he was about the size of the He-Man in the original show, I'd like it. Of course, I realize that's partly because of the style of the animation. I also don't think the transformation is as catchy as the original. I definitely don't like the way He-Man says, "I have the power!" It's too deep for one thing and again, it's done much better in the original. Sorry that I'm comparing them, but that's almost instinctive since it's a remake.

I realize the aim for this cartoon is an older audience than the original so some things were changed, and that's fine, but I think the people who were interested in this show were the adults who watched the original show as children, and this series, while good and definitely worth a watch, is found wanting. It would be better to have aired the original again and I think Cartoon Network would have received more of an audience. I think the ways in which it is different from the original is why it didn't last. There is just something about the first show that makes it appealing and just pure magic. And, that's me saying this as an adult, not a child. Of course, nostalgia might be a culprit as to why here, but I don't think so.
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