Green Lantern: The Animated Series Gets A Lot Better
8 December 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Several comments I've seen judges the series in question on its pilot, which I agree was quite poor. If I had decided to write a review a year or so ago when the pilot came out, it probably would have been quite similar to the other low reviews based on that episode. Primary among which were deviations from Green Lantern cannon, poor characterization, lackluster visuals and a simplistic plot.

However, these problems are practically non-existent by the fifth episode, "Heir Apparent" which is essentially a faithful retelling of a Green Lantern Corps story arc (the actual comics themselves). By this point, the cringe-worthy tension/dialogue between Razor and Kilowog has been resolved. Actually, at this point Kilowog becomes much less of annoyance. A lot of my problem with the pilot and the first episode or two is that Kilowog has a preponderance of speaking parts. He should be around mainly to hit things and provide the occasional comedic foil, but little more. Bruce Timm seems to agree. The Red Lanterns, which are a mere shadow of their awesomeness in the comic books, are handily dealt with, leading to bigger and better plots. The fact that they managed to introduce Saint Walker and the Blue Lantern Corps during the Red Lantern Plot Arc got me really jazzed. They do an excellent Job with him, and may hint at a big blackest night-esque arc in the future involving all the corps.

If you doubt the coolness of the show, its faithfulness to the comics, or the quality of the animation, watch the last episode to air before it got put on hiatus "Steam Lantern". It stands on its own fairly well and represents how great this series has become/could become. They even drop a mention of Alan Scott in the Ep. So if your a long time GL fan, Definitely check the episode.
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