Project X (2012)
Congratulations! The Worst Film of 2012.
26 December 2012
"Project X" is the worst movie I have seen this year. Full-stop.

Actually - un-stop: it is probably in the running for one of the worst films I have ever seen, and I've seen "Glitter". NOW, full-stop.

This isn't some old fogy who doesn't "get" what's happening - no. I love thumbing-your-nose-at-establishment type of pictures. Anarchy has been a well of inspiration for great cinematic comedy for decades.

This is joyless, shapeless, sloppy, mean-spirited, ugly, thoroughly misogynistic and nihilistic teen-sploitation piece of junk that insults its audience by forgoing any semblance of story or characters that you can cheer for. It's just one long anti-human, soul-crushing iPhone-shot movie.

Carelessly ripping off much better movies like "Superbad" and "Risky Business", the filmmakers (wrongly) figured that the success of those smart films was just the lure of the all-night party... and that its lead characters are just the flimsy entry point to the massive, destructive annihilation that audiences assumable want put down good money to see.

"Risky Business" and it's decades-later offspring "Superbad" recognized that the night-long journey of an "epic party" was a chance to learn something about its characters, and for the characters to learn something about themselves. It was also an opportunity for audiences to identify with and even come to like a Tom Cruise or a Jonah Hill or a Michael Sera as an entry-point to engaging in the movie as a viewer and caring about the character's outcome.

No care was spent in making the three children (which is what they are) sympathetic, interesting, smart or aware. The roughly-sketched characters were all instead boorish, crude, unlikable douchebags whose ultimate goals (getting laid, getting drunk, getting high and getting laid, in that order) are so off-putting, one almost wants to see these insufferable stock characters (dumbfounded nerd/classless fat-guy/jerky mouthpiece) get the full punishment that they really, truly deserve at the end of the picture, instead of rooting for their plucky, ingenious wiliness.

This is such a sad, vacant, cruel picture that cares little about anyone. The leads - and filmmakers - see their female teenage cast as submissive whores who either need or should be taken, and the boys as party-hard frat kids with no personality traits other than being sex-crazed idiots who have random hookups, get high and destroy things.

Your life is so much better than this, and your time is worth much more than spending 90 minutes watching this crap.
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