Did I get punk'd? Call this movie evil, more like call it dumb
1 January 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Call me evil, but this movie after a long anticipated wait trying to see it and I must say that this film came off as horrible instead of horror. New Year's Evil is another in a long line of slasher movies based around major holidays. New Year's Eve is on its way and a famous punk rock star will host television's late night countdown full of music and partying. Blaze AKA Diane Sullivan (Roz Kelly) host the party, and a number of local bands plays throughout the film at it. Most of them are pretty awful. The only one worth noting will probably be Shadow due to it's heavy soundtrack. The hard rock/punk soundtrack based around the theme song to the movie, get old after a while. All is going well until Diane receives a phone call from an odd sounding stranger claiming his name is Evil, who announces on live television that when the clock strikes twelve in each time zone, a 'Naughty Girl' will be punished (murdered),then the killer signs off with a threat claiming that Diane will be the last Naughty Girl to be punished. How on earth does a killer travel through every time zone in time while killing and avoiding police. It's near impossible. The killer known as Evil sounds like the dark side of Fozzie Bear.You would think that a voice changer would actually change the person's voice instead of forcing him to talk like Frank Oz. The acting is horrible no matter what. The studio crew takes safety measures and heightens security, but a number of victims are piling up. The film has some of the most unintentionally funny Slasher-movie kills, I've seen in a while. The killer has to be the luckiest killer to ever get the chance to kill people. The actor who's playing the killer, Kip Niven, thinks he's doing this big theatrical part, but he's too nerdy to pull it off. His body is tiny, and teeny and yet he can kill women larger than he is. He happens to be in the area where his target victims are and it gets worse: according to the movie, he didn't plan this. Yeah, he was planning to kill some people, but the manner in which he killed victims was completely thought-up on the spot. Something tells me the killer in this movie was part of an Improv Troupe at some point in his life. Every single killing seems likes it edited.There is a lot of logistics problems in the kills in this film. I smell lack of good writing here. The killer records his victims as he murders them and calls back the station each time playing the tapes back to prove he's serious. There are many suspects ranging from crazed fans to someone much closer to Diane, but the only feature the killer has is a mask. The Richard Nixon/Ed Sullivan mask is probably the scariest part of the whole movie. With a sort of 'Maniac' approach to the story, we know who the killer is all throughout the movie and follow his progress as he moves from victim to victim. The ending has a twist that I saw coming from a mile away, so I don't know what all this fuss is about eluding to some 'great twist ending.' The jump scare is just bad, it's literally cheap and laughable enough. The killer pointlessly posed the bodies (in ways that have nothing to do with New Year's Day or New Year's Eve, the whole theme of the movie). The results are as inept and artless as can be expected. Disappointingly, they are not inept in an entertaining manner. New Year's Evil ends up being one of the most lifeless, dull films that the Cannon Group ever produce. Watch it at your own risk. The fact that you're immune to higher-quality mediocre movies just means that you have a higher tolerance for bad movies now. Thank god a sequel wasn't made
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