Solid effects, weak story
15 January 2013
HONEY, I BLEW UP THE KID is the 1992 sequel to HONEY, I SHRUNK THE KIDS. Its premise is much the same as many 1950s era B-movies, involving a character growing to gigantic proportions before wreaking havoc in a US city.

The thing that wowed me with this production was the calibre of the special effects. The back projected scenes of the toddler stomping through the streets are integrated superbly with the actors and backdrops, as are the scenes when the toddler is a 'mere' seven foot tall. Back projection can sometimes look really obvious and cheesy, but never so here.

Sadly, the film's storyline is a lot weaker. There's some initial set-up involving nutty scientists and the like, but once the kid starts growing it all falls by the wayside. Rick Moranis and Marcia Strassman, both returning from the original, have little to do other than chase around after their kid and act concerned, and there's a lot less of the camaraderie and high spirits from the first movie. The villain is poor, the script poorer, and it's all very forgettable come the inevitable climax.
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