Confession (1937)
At first I thought the film totally sucked....but then, I realized how marvelous it was.
15 January 2013
Warning: Spoilers
"Confession" is a remake of a German film ("Mazurka") and as I watched, I wondered why in the heck anyone would want to remake this film! After all, it seemed to be poorly written. HOWEVER, I fought my urge to stop watching and am very glad I did, as it turned out to be a dandy old film. So my advice is to stick with this is well worth your time.

The film begins with a young and rather impressionable young girl falling into the clutches of a bit of a lecher (Basil Rathbone). I couldn't understand this--he was so suave and handsome and I kept wondering why he wanted this teenager. You'll probably think the same--just keep watching. I was shocked out of my disbelief when, suddenly, Rathbone's character is shot dead!!! Considering this is only about 20-25 minutes into the film, I was flabbergasted. What was going on? Well, I would love to give you a clue but I can' would spoil the film. Suffice to say, the payoff is well worth it in this really well made soap opera. I particularly loved the artistry of the final scene...which you just have to see for yourself. Some might dislike how old fashioned the plot is but compared to the other films of the day, this one is just terrific--and with a really nice performance by Kay Francis---probably the best of her career. See this one and have hanky nearby...just in case.
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