Mystery Ranch (1934)
Good Old Reliable!!!
6 February 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Not the 1932 film featuring George O'Brien, this one stars Tom Tyler as Bob Morris, popular Western writer who brings some excitement to a struggling Dude ranch. This "sleeper" of a movie starts with a satirical scene of the "curses and the villain still pursued her" school of western pulp. Bob's father is surprised he can write such drivel but Bob reminds him that that particular book sold 50,000 copies and the public loved it. His father counters with the statement that it is old fashioned and a real cowboy would laugh at him but Bob has just had an invitation from "Mystery Ranch" to experience the real West and that his adventures are tame compared to life on the Henderson ranch. The reality is that nothing ever happens on the Henderson ranch, in fact it is going broke and they think that by advertising that the famed Western writer Bob Morris is a guest their fortunes will pick up.

This is a snappy little western with plenty of action and the always reliable Tom Tyler. On the way to the ranch he almost witnesses a hanging and then has to calm a couple of runaway horses, much to the admiration of Mary (pert Roberta Gale) but he has already cottoned on to the fact that these bizarre occurrences are just stunts and decides to play along with it. When riding over the ranch he and Percy witness a murder but laugh it off as just part of the game and when the two crooks come to the ranch for help decides to conduct his own little stunt by taking the bags of gold, kidnapping Mary and giving them all a taste of their own medicine. The murder is for real and when one of the "stunt" cowboys decides he would like the gold for himself, the ending is set for plenty of riding and fighting action.

Reliable Pictures was typical of the fly by night poverty row studios that flourished at the time. From 1934 to 1937 it produced and distributed westerns, including a few with Tom Tyler.
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