Soap opera committed to film
22 February 2013
Warning: Spoilers
You know how really good movies make you feel at a loss of words and all warm inside, even if they were sad you just feel enriched whether it's intellectually, emotionally, visually etc. This movie doesn't make you feel like that at all. It makes you feel one step closer to knowing what a lobotomy is like. After watching it I felt so bad for seeing something so explicitly stupid, I was angry, confused and still can't accurately explain it to full extent, partly because I'm trying to block all the memories of it. I don't know if it's possible to describe the type of moronic writing, that had no logic at all and the terrible truly vile characters.

Spoilers start from here so stop reading if you're seriously considering investing your time in this piece of cinematic art. We're supposed to root for a spoiled over-dramatic rich teenage girl, that really has no idea what she wants/feels or thinks. 90% of the time her only reaction to any situation is to scream and complicate things, while on the other hand takes her 40 seconds to forget what she was hysterical about just now. Super realistic character development is that after her best friend's boyfriend dies she completely ditches her best friend. Stops all contact with her. I mean that's just great writing. And if you think just the female lead is written swell, just wait. The male character (that of course all the girls have a crush on) is psycho macho abuser with severe anger issues, who all in all to the end of the movie has beaten up at least 6 guys, 2 of whom almost to death for no reason. And the viewers are supposed to feel attracted to him or at least sympathetic? Okay, you catch your mom having sex with another guy, you get angry maybe even punch the guy but beat him up like an animal is a little bit over the top. Also a touch of creepy. And this is the only "justifiable" beating in this masterpiece. My favorite part is when a random guy spills wine all over his spoiled rich girlfriend and he got so unbelievably angry(??) that he actually hit the guy in the middle of a fancy event. What makes me MOST confused as to why any sane human being would even remotely sympathize with the male lead is the part where he actually hit his girlfriend. And this my friends is a "love story". Next time you wonder why domestic violence victims stay in abusive relationships - this is one reason. Being indoctrinated by media, print, society, etc. For hundreds of years that abuse is somehow "care" or "passion".

Other redonkeylous macho concepts I was introduced to - the competition of who could do the most pull ups. At least that one gave me a good laugh.

You know how usually things in the plot happen for a reason, or at least there is some logic behind the events, some grand scheme of things? Yeah, well I really missed that principle in Tres metros sober el cello, maybe the plot is just trying to be mysterious. I don't know.

The only reason why I would recommend this movie is if you want to feel this mixed feeling of nausea and shame for being a part of a species that created such vile garbage. The best part is the ending, the suspense of waiting throughout the whole movie, hoping that something meaningful and rational will happen that will make all the terrible things you just saw worth it (or at least justified), and...... nothing happens. I hope I spared someone from feeling dead inside.
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