For Die-Hard Christopher Lee Fans
28 February 2013
Normally I like movies of this kind and from this era quite a bit. But quite frankly, this wasn't one of Christopher Lee's better performances. Be that as it may, this story revolves around a gypsy harlequin wagon as it travels from town to town in France after the Napoleonic Wars. Christopher Lee plays "Count Drago" who invites the small group to his castle where he tries to embalm them due to an insane idea that it will keep them from aging. Never mind the fact that in order to do this he has to kill them first. At any rate, as I said before it wasn't his best performance by a long shot. But while Christopher Lee didn't necessarily achieve his usual standard it was still far better than the performance of Donald Sutherland who played both "Sgt. Paul" and "the witch". Both of those efforts were ghastly in my opinion. That said, about the only bright spot in this film was the presence of the beautiful Gaia Germani as "Laura". But even so she wasn't able to lift this film up all by herself. All things considered then, while it wasn't terribly bad I would only recommend it for die-hard Christopher Lee fans or for those who enjoy horror films from this period. Otherwise it's probably best to look for something a bit more recent.
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