Mystery Ranch (1934)
A better than average story undone by poor acting and direction.
26 March 2013
"Mystery Ranch" has a pretty neat plot--too bad the film is pretty bad in most other ways. The acting and direction are so poor, that a good story just isn't enough to recommend this film.

Bob Morris (Tom Tyler) is an Easterner who writes cowboy stories. However, some real cowboys in California invite him out--to show him that his stories are inaccurate and that the REAL west was far more exciting. However, what really is going to happen is that these cowboys work for a dude ranch and want to put on a real show--one that will send lots of business their way when Bob writes about what excitement he saw during this vacation. So, to create excitement, they arrange for a fake hanging, a bucking bronco and a runaway wagon--but somehow Bob is able to handle all this like a true cowboy. Later, when Bob and his partner see a robbery taking place, they naturally assume it's also a put-on--but it's actually real and they end up getting caught up in the robbery! Can all this be sorted out? The idea is great for a B-western. Too often, films in this genre were REALLY repetitive and formulaic--but not this one. Too bad that the film is handled so poorly--so poorly that even a good idea cannot overcome the sloppy acting and direction. Worth a look if you are a very forgiving sort--otherwise, you can skip this one.
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