Boston's Finest (2013– )
True to the City
28 March 2013
I wonder how many of the people who gave this title negative reviews are actually from Boston. Boston is the type of place that, unless your from here, you won't get the 'inside jokes'.

This is no "Cops" which is more exploitative than meaningful or insightful. The officers of Boston's finest have a certain somber dignity about them, unquestionably dedicated to a job they love doing. They are brave, flawed and vulnerable.

People who criticize the shows slow pacing simply are missing the point entirely. Wahlberg is not trying to show you how ruthless the villains are and how bad-ass and rock & roll the good guys are. Instead of the sensational over-edited action excitement that is usually on the palate of American viewers, you get slower, well savored character development.

He is asking for more out of his viewers. Wahlberg won't fast food his city for the audience. He wants you to see that the good & bad guys are mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers and the very thin line between the two.

Donnie Wahlberg has done beautiful work displaying Boston's wonderful city and vibrant eclectic culture. He is trying to let outsiders in on the inside joke..I lived in Boston my whole life (41y.o) until four years ago when I moved out of the country. I get choked up every time the opening of the show comes on and ache for home hours after. At least I can visit home even if for just an hour.

Boston is a city that refuses to beg for your acceptance, it demands you to accept it as is, or leave it be, to the good or to the bad it does not make excuses for itself. That is the tone of Boston's finest. Well Done Donnie.
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