Moonlighting Gig?
3 April 2013
From the title forward there isn't anything original in this wink and nod Movie that, to be kind, has got to be an homage and not a rip-off. It is so blatantly obvious that it can be nothing else. For those unaware, for those wondering, there is a Mamie Van Doren Drive-In Flick from 1959 called Guns, Girls, and Gangsters.

After that, we have here every modern Cult Movie cliché wrapped together in a Direct to Video (who decides this thing?) star-studded Comedy/Action wisp that is so full of froth that it glides along with jaw dropping easiness. It is Photographed and presented with absolute Professionals at the controls and it all seems like an in-joke on us. A moonlighting gig with walk through appearances.

But it is all handled so well that it is quite a mystery as to why? This is a well made tax-write off for someone with the help from a lot of friends. That could be one explanation. There are probably others, but who knows? In the end it is mildly entertaining and not the worst of this kind of reflective junk. There is enough here to keep your interest and it is watchable despite itself.
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