Star Trek: The Lights of Zetar (1969)
Season 3, Episode 18
Scotty gets a girl
3 April 2013
Warning: Spoilers
The Enterprise encounter a light cloud that has the power to hijack and even damage other people's brain waves. This cloud takes a special interest in a new female crew member that Scotty is smitten over. The cloud tries to take control of the girl's body through her brain. In the end, the light cloud ends up being the spirits of dead humans looking for a body to possess. Not much of this episode makes a whole lot of sense or is very compelling. Why did the spirits seek out this one girl? Why did the spirits of decent humans think they had the right to possess another human? Why did the spirits make the bodies they possess talk like frogs? How can a air pressure chamber possibly drive out spirits and brain waves from the girl? The only reasonable answer to these questions seems to be: "do whatever it takes to move the story along". Scotty asks rather sweetly to his love interest, which is refreshing compared to Kirk's usual domineering womanizing. But his sweetness gets rather pathetic and condescending, like he is trying to pet a little a sparrow.
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