Any Day Now (I) (2012)
536th Review: Straight, Gay, who cares? Good emotional drama is good...
13 April 2013
Any Day Now attempts something unconventional, which I Love Philip Morris did for romantic comedies in 2007, - that is, it sticks to the conventions of its genre while doing so through a gay lens. As a straight man, who simply loves good films, this doesn't mean that some films are good because of an agenda and some are bad - I guess my criteria is: do I feel involved, did it move me, was it memorable?

On that criteria Any Day Now flies high - it is a good solid drama about two men who not only find each other but also a surrogate son with Downs Syndrome. Set in the mid-70s. they run into problems.

The first half is exceptional in being riveting without a need for tension - an achievement in itself - the establishment of relationships and character is superb. The second half's arc is slightly too melodramatic in places and this overbalances the film slightly in the middle, but it does recover superbly by the end.

What we end up with is a very good drama, with real poignancy; and one that you shouldn't avoid because it's about male parents. This is worth watching for Alan Cummings' performance alone, he was Scotland's best comic in the 90s, doing full-on high camp as an air steward before taking on film roles in America (noticeably in the Spy Kids franchise). Here turns to real acting - it's a great performance - he almost manages, but just misses in places, that intense subtlety which makes great actors seem transparently honest, but like other comedians who've made this difficult transition, we sense the pain and the drive for that honesty.

Definitely worth anyone's time.
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