Space Academy (1977)
Space Academy
13 April 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Since I was born in '77, I didn't have the luxury of enjoying this series as kids of the decade were, but I was motivated by my uncle (who did grow up with the show) to take a look at the short-lived Saturday morning show. In December of 2010, I did take a week or two to watch the entire 15 episodes of the series, and the kid in me really embraced "Space Academy", talking with my uncle about it during visits shortly afterward. I look back fondly on 2010 because later in 2011, my uncle succumb to kidney cancer (it had spread to his spine and hip) and so the show was just one of many ways we enjoyed long conversations about sci-fi, childhood, and themes covered. Look, this is a cheesy show to the typical adult, but I recognize the whole point was to please a young audience by showing teenagers, and their older fatherly commander, engaged in space adventures, often performing tasks and duties on board a planetoid space station, or riding off on their ship, the Seeker. I think you can see the influence of Star Trek and perhaps even a little Lost in Space, as well. There's even a little robot companion to enjoy called Peepo. My son seemed to really enjoy it so I imagine there's still plenty of appeal in a show made for nickels and dimes at a small studio in California during the 70s. That's really all that matters, in the end, that the kids find something to enjoy that is harmless entertainment. And since I'm such an avid sci-fi fan, I couldn't be happier to allow my son to enjoy a show that offers the possibility of kids at an academy in space. It is fantasy but why not encourage children that anything's possible if you have the drive and intellect to pursue the stars?
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