Blessed are the peacemakers, they've got their work cut out for them
14 April 2013
The Battle At Apache Pass is dependent on its verisimilitude for the notion that most Americans are ignorant of the fine points of the true story of the various American Indian wars. Broken Arrow took place in the early 1870s and it's where Tom Jeffords and Cochise formed a peace pact that included all the Apaches except those followers of Geronimo.

In this prequel the Civil War has come and a lot of soldiers are ordered back to fight in the east. Some ambitious people on both sides like Geronimo for the Apaches and Bruce Cowling a political hack Indian agent with ambitions to be territorial governor try to break an informal peace established by the friendship of Major John Lund and Cochise as played by Jeff Chandler who returns as Cochise. Jay Silverheels as Geronimo is the only returnee from Broken Arrow.

The Battle At Apache Pass is not in the same league of greatness as Broken Arrow, but it still is a pretty good western. If the film has a moral it is blessed are the peacemakers because they have their work cut out for them. It doesn't take much to start a war, but a lot of work and sacrifice is needed to end one. There are enough examples in real life right down to today to affirm that notion.

Through it all Lund and Chandler retain a mutual respect for each other and both are afforded the opportunity to save the women that each other loves, Beverly Tyler for Lund and Susan Cabot for Chandler.

Besides those I've already mentioned, standing out in the supporting cast is Jack Elam at his squinty eyed evil best as a scout working for Cowling and Richard Egan as a tough, but compassionate sergeant. His scenes with Susan Cabot where he shows her a world of respect as due the first lady of a nation have a lot of depth to them.

Not as good as Broken Arrow, but still a fine western The Battle At Apache Pass holds up very well for today's audience.
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