Review of Browsers

Browsers (2013 TV Movie)
Offensively Bad to Musical Fans
21 April 2013
Let's just put this up front, this show is not good. The writing is lazy and often terrible. All of the characters are so undeveloped that they should have their stock descriptions written on their shirts. The costume design is occasionally as lazy as the writing.

Now these offenses are enough to mark any show as awful, but let's not forget what this show is claiming to be. This is the musical show, which is really what it should be called since it leans on this crutch so forcefully that the basic plot seems secondary to even the creators. So then, how's the music? Oh, it's just like the rest of the show, garbage. The lyrics are possibly worse than the wooden dialogue, not to mention that the songs feel forced even for a musical. Did we really need a song that basically consists of the phrase "going viral" over and over, or, God help us, an entire song about Twitter? If you were unsure, the answer to both those questions is a resounding NO. But I'm sure the music composition is good, right? Nope. Each song sounds like it was composed by a 12-year-old that just discovered GarageBand on his mom's Mac. Although I will acquiesce this one point, all of the singing is pretty good, with some of the actors showing some real vocal talent.

I can only imagine that the creators sat down and thought, "Musical fans are easy to please, I mean look at Glee. Let's just take a boring premise, and we'll just throw some generic songs throughout, and I'm sure they will just be so excited to have a musical show that they will look passed the obvious little care we put into this. Oh, and let's have a bleeped F-bomb in one of the songs, so we can say we're being edgy".

A bad show is a bad show, and throwing a gimmick into it will not make it any better. In the case of browsers, it is possible that the insistence on making this show a musical has taken a lackluster show and made it soul-crushingly terrible. The quicker that Amazon stops producing this show, the better. But hey, it's good to see that Bebe Neuwirth is still alive, so there's that.
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