An Older Audience That Grew Up With The Flintstones Wont Be Impressed,
24 April 2013
The Flintstones is a decent movie with a surprisingly clever story line,but only a alright cast,and most of them don't really relate to the characters their playing.If you grew up with the Flintstones,like myself,you will definitely be disappointed with this movie.I felt the only member of the cast who stayed true to his character was John Goodman,he sounded and behaved just like Fred Flintstone from the classic animated series.I didn't appreciate Rick Moranis,who sounded nothing like the original Barney Rubble,and I especially disliked Rosie O'Donnel,Betty Rubble is one of the most attractive cartoon characters ever,and then they get one of the ugliest characters in Hollywood to play her,that was a bad casting decision.I also didn't like Halle Berry,she was just thrown in to amuse the dads watching this with their kids,and her name literally being Sharon Stone was not at all funny.

When Fred Flintstone (John Goodman) gives Barney (Rick Moranis) money so he can adopt a child,Barney gives Fred the opportunity of getting the job he has always wanted.
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