Death of a Salesman (1985 TV Movie)
A little too accurate to the play
26 April 2013
Death of a Salesman is one of those plays that some people love and consider it a classic and others hate because it isn't entirely accurate with history and doesn't seem to quite work. I honestly don't mind the play BUT the movie... that's a different story.

The movie decides to be a little too accurate to the play... and by a little too accurate I mean it is almost word for word exactly the same as the play and virtually scene for scene the same. I actually watched it with the script of the play in front of me and found only a few minor things altered. Now Romeo+Juliet did it and that movie didn't turn out half bad, but what do I find so annoying about the way this movie does it? Maybe it is because the movie is literally on stage-set...

I'm not even joking, when the characters look at the ceiling there is NO CEILING! Just an opening of the set! There aren't even walls to the house, they are just movable pieces so there are huge gaps in them. While some people might find this "unique" that a movie decided to make a stage adaptation and make into a film, I can only say this: Why in the world would you make it into a movie with this format? I mean seriously, I watch a movie to watch a movie and to break the realm of a play. A movie is simply a play with more freedom and more opportunity to tell a story. But this movie restricts the freedom that is given to a movie and tries to limit the power of the story and make it just a play. I still have no idea why someone thought that was a good idea! Plays are plays and movies are movies. You might as well go on youtube and just watch a video of someone recording the actual play. There is no reason for this movie to pretend that it is a play.

Now how is the acting? Well... pretty darn good. Dustin Hoffman gives a solid performance and all of the actors do pretty well. All of the acting is done well and I think everything the play was trying to portray was portrayed in the "movie". If there was one problem I had with the play and with this film is that the son is too much of a coward to tell his mom why his father and him are arguing. Pretty much every problem that occurs in this movie could be easily resolved if everyone was just a tad bit smarter. It makes me mad when there is a conflict only for the sake of conflict. I find it a bit unrealistic that the conflict didn't get resolved, because it is evident that if everyone knew the truth then everyone would be at equal grounds and a resolution would take place. But alas, that is not how the story goes.

Overall, the Death of a Salesman isn't a terrible movie, but it isn't really a movie. It is a play. That is why I don't really consider this a good movie because it isn't a movie. In all honesty, if someone were to film the play A Death of A Salesman and release it in theaters I bet it would get extremely low reviews because it isn't a movie. I feel like if this "movie" would've attempted to transfer the play into a movie format I would've been able to enjoy it a bit more, but all of the glaring mistakes of a play are still obvious in this movie. I'm sure it was a cute "joke" when this movie was made, and at first it was kind of funny that there was no ceiling, or no walls, but it quickly wears away at the movie once you realize the movie is just being cheap.
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