How I Met Your Mother: Definitions (2009)
Season 5, Episode 1
A fine comeback with some funny jokes
2 May 2013
In the overall 89th episode and the first one of the fifth season, we see some things changing in How I Met Your Mother. Narrator Ted finally decided to be a college professor and in his first lesson, he's already facing some major difficulties, . how many f's the word 'professor' has or if he should wear his newly gotten fedora. But bigger than that is the story part with Barney and Robin who've been sleeping with each other for quite a while and also have love-like feelings, yet are terribly afraid of any sort of commitment. To define their relationship, Lily forces them to have 'the talk'. I'd say this is a fine comeback for the highly successful sitcom and it provides what fans were looking forward to see. I thought there were many cheesy jokes and Neil Patrick Harris and Cobey Smulders didn't do well in their sort-of relationship. Still, it's better than most of the episodes in the disappointing season 4 because I really enjoyed how Ted was doing as a professor and there were some nice running gags in there. I thought it was great when future Ted just casually mentioned that the mother of his future children was sitting in his course and the scene at the end where Barney and Robin go to eat brunch and the rest of the group is looking at them was pretty awesome. All in all, "Definitions" is by far not a perfect episode, but surely an enjoyable and amusing one.LESS
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