Didn't expect it to be that good!
9 May 2013
This is so know as Siege Of The Dead (2010) is a low budget infected movie from Germany.

I did not expect much from this at all but turn out to be surprising good.

Michael as come to see his girlfriend in Berlin but then he finds out that people have been infected by this unknown virus.

This is only 59 minutes long, just under an hour, this movie was really fast paced and some really good decent tense moment as well.

The infected were really welled acted and liked the whole foaming thing from there mouth.

This movie wasn't really thag gory at all, the bite moment that looked nasty but nothing other zombies/infected movies.

I really liked the idea of flashes from the camera, that was nice turn for the infected, Which had fresh feel to these kinda of movies.

There was a few surprising moments, that I didn't see coming at all,

I really liked that scene. Great acting from the whole but I not sure what to make of the infected hugging Scenes,

I am giving this movie 8 out of 10
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