Slick but Cringe-Worthy
25 May 2013
The French removed the middle of the bathing suit sometime in the late Forties and called it a Bikini. Believe it or not this was Scandalous and the thing was banned for years in America. But there was no holding a good thing back and so Hollywood was there to document its arrival in many a Beach Movies.

The same Studio that gave us these Movies full of eye candy and little else decided to broaden the landscape and leave the sand and surf behind. After all, these "Films" were money makers and were extremely popular Drive-In fillers so why stop the sexploitation.

Here we have a Spoof of the James Bond Movies and a formula from the Beach Pageants, mixed liberally with the Keystone Cops, The Three Stooges, Jerry Lewis and the Kitchen Sink. It almost works with the very least of expectations and looks colorful and what passed for safe kinkiness at the time. But mostly it is embarrassing.

The Sixties revolution hadn't quite begun and liberation was a few years away so this 1965 offering was an emerging anachronism. The kind of stuff that made the Women's Lib movement livid, and the Cultural Styling was rapidly becoming very Square. It really was just a few years too late and it suffers for it because of its Blockheaded outdated Conservative template.

Mostly unfunny, cringe-worthy, and immediately outdated, this was a sign of the End Times for this sort of stiff slapstick using a once risqué format called Burlesque that was nothing more than an excuse to ogle shapely scantily clad Females.
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