Very Fresh and Romantic..Not at all cheesy and impossible
30 June 2013
I was actually very pleasantly surprised at the plot of this movie. I thought it would be one of those predictable, over the top love stories but it really wasn't. It was very SWEET and caring and very much how young love seems, cautious and with mistakes made in each persons life. This is hard to explain without ruining great moments in the film- but it is well worth the watch. Of course one has to mention the INCREDIBLE acting of Tom Sturridge, totally blew me away. Rachel Bilson was great also as usual. There are some twists in the film that one may or may not see coming but it was tied together very well in my opinion. The dialogue was fresh and just... airy and light. There was no unnecessary cheese added to proclamations of love. It was all honest and very soul baring. Beautiful film.. Definitely recommending it to all my friends. -saying this as a film major also.
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