Copperhead (2013)
Gorgeous film with a great message
28 June 2013
This film is a treasure. It touches on themes that are as relevant today as they were in 1862 and whilst the tone is somber, the story is uplifting.

Well acted, beautifully filmed and not too long with a great deal of depth. This is a film everyone should see for both the overt and underlying messages regarding political fanaticism and the reprisals of not 'loving thy neighbor.' We agreed that this is by far the best film we've seen all year. Hopefully the Academy will take notice.

If you only spend your money on one film this summer - and are the type who wants to come away from the theater really pondering what you've just witnessed - this is the film for you.

9/10 (I would give it a 10, but I don't ever give any film a 10 as I have heard that IMDb doesn't count the 1's or the 10's in the meta-scores.
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