Ghostbusters (2009 Video Game)
Ghostbasta !
7 July 2013
Again a disappointment!

This time I tried even hardly by getting trainers (that don't work!) but at the end, the boredom was more powerful than the fun.

In fact, my PC is from 2007 and it may be a bit slow for this monster: the installing and loading times were excruciating, action was sluggish and trapping even the gentle slimmer was at least very difficult. The aim mechanism is plagued by the same drunk effect than the Potter games.

The production was good maybe too good as Venkman, Spengler, Stantz looks like in the reality and that's maybe the problem: I don't expect a game to be like a movie but to entertain me. Here, the game is a sort of a real sequel and it's funny to notice that it has the same short-ends than GB2: they repeat over and over the story of GB1: slimmer, the first class hotel… So there isn't anything new but the lines are very funny!

What definitely kills the game for me was the saving system: we can't choose the time to save that is to say the time when the player wants to quit the game (as the designers don't seem to understand it!): so after playing 1 hour non stop trying to put slimmer in the bag, then trapping 2 more ghosts, I get a new assignment: run after a fishy ghost! When I tried to play again, I was back to the 2 lobby ghosts so bye, bye…

Finally, this game was the tombstone of any PC games for me as I understand now that consoles easily out-date those machines. With a console, you don't have to ask if your system has the necessary requirements: you put the game and you play: with a PC, it's a constant check-up: the video cards, the RAM, the game-pad, the desk-board, the sound card, the add-ons, patches and so on. Thus, you spend your time at configurations and when you can finally play, you discover that all your efforts were worthless as the game is actually crap.

So, no more high-tech PC games for me and ultimately I had more fun with my GB2 Gameboy game!
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