Review of The Bride

Have Gun - Will Travel: The Bride (1957)
Season 1, Episode 6
Superior, Offbeat Entry
1 August 2013
The chemistry between Seldes (Christie) and Palladin is uncommonly compelling. In fact, Seldes delivers one of the finest, most affecting turns of the series as the outwardly brave, but inwardly insecure woman in distress over her plain looks. It's an offbeat story as Palladin shepherds Christie, a mail-order bride, across a barren desert to meet a man she's never seen. It's an excellent script that develops Christie's and Palladin's growing bond in humane fashion, one that also takes advantage of each actor's versatility. The staging is compelling too, a slice of desert that had me running for a glass of water. This may not be the most action-filled or intense entry in the series, but in its own way, remains one of the most sensitive and memorable.
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